What a winter!!
As I could not ski last season because of a blown ACL and MCL, I certainly managed to make up for it this season.
I ended up working at night servicing skis and though the money was crap the hours were good and I skied some epic snow.
In fact I can honestly say I had THE best powder days of my life!!
With some shots from my Canon I entered the Anton 09 photo awards and won the prestigious "Action Shot" category.
Check out a few of my shots of the season.
Lloyd in the deep stuff
Ute styling the steeps of St Anton
Lloyd looking cool enough for me to take the WINNING shot and showing his parents why he was happy not working!!
So a big thanks goes to Lloyd who was there with me on the first lifts, Gene for the inspiration, plus Jacob and the sponsors for organising such a great event.
Here is to a summer of kayaking!!!