The Acabamba Abyss, a 7 day relentless river expedition!!
For 5 days you are negotiating some of the deepest, darkest, gnarliest canyons the planet has to offer.
Don't forget the river is pushing up to continuous class V+, the gradient is steep and chocked full with wood and syphons.
Once you get to Puente Pasajes, most boaters get out. The danger of drugs and the Shining Path Guerillas are ever present.
We carried on!
We were fighting brutal headwinds, sand storms, a horrible box canyon and then we got to the jungle.
Some great Grand Canyon style rapids and our last camp was the lucky one. Not only did we have great views but also the local population had armed patrols around this area as they have lost so many relatives to the Shining Path Guerillas.
Don't we feel safe!?
Lechemayo was our take out, the motorboats cannot run to San Francisco as the water was too low (the reason why we were on this section of river).
They had not seen any foreigners for years and a lot of the villagers had never seen a "Gringo"
We kept a low profile!
The bus left the next day as it could only travel during daylight hours because of the risk of ambushes!
We finally made it to Ayacucho after a 9 hour hard bus journey, both John and I had completed one of the hardest river expeditions in South America.
Yet another 9 hour bus journey to Lima and then it was onto Pozuzo, in the central jungle!
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